Col Russ Hodgkins, (USAF) Commander of CAP-USAF has taken the time to answer questions from the folks who read this blog. These questions were collected from the field via comments to an earlier blog post.
I'm thrilled that folks up the Chain of Command stop by this blog occasionally to see what we're thinking. I do really appreciate Col Hodgkins taking the time to communicate directly to the field like this.
There's too much here for a single post, so I'm going to syndicate the Colonel's comments over the next few days over a number of posts:
- Policy and Big Picture Questions
- Leadership Questions
- Uniform Questions
- Chaplain & Miscellaneous Questions
Here's what the Colonel had to say:
To all CAPBloggers:
Before I begin, let me make a few points.
First, I read this blog fairly regularly to get a sense of what all of you are thinking. (You’d be surprised who else reads this blog.) On the whole, I have found most of you to be very earnest, serious, and professional in what you post. However, occasionally I see posts that make me wince. So to those few, please “think, calm down, re-read what you wrote, then post.” Your posts reflect CAP to the outside world, so don’t write anything that will embarrass you later!
Second, most of my career, with the exception a tour in the Pentagon, has been spent pretty close to the “point of execution”. What does this mean? It means that while discussions about changing policy are interesting, for those of us who actually do things, changing policy is largely irrelevant. We execute policy. Thus, we need to know what the policy is, but really shouldn’t worry too much about changing it. What we need to worry about is executing the mission within the bounds of the established policy. (During a Joint tour I learned my Army friends call this “staying in your lane.”) Anyway, there is more than enough to do with what we have now.
So, having said all that, let me take a stab at answering some of the questions you posed. I will try to cover all of the points raised in your questions, although these may be a little out of order from the original sequence.
Col Russ Hodgkins
Commander, CAP-USAF
The Colonel's comments on policy and the big picture after the jump...
Q. What is the Air Force "Vision" for CAP?
A. Let me say two things:
First, the Air Force should have, at best, a very limited role in developing a "vision" for CAP. The most appropriate source of the vision for CAP is CAP itself. I am not trying to duck the issue here, but CAP has a Board of Governors, a National Board, and a National Executive Committee who are responsible for the strategic vector of the organization. The Air Force can "advise and assist" in this process, but we cannot foist our vision onto CAP.
Second, if you were to ask me for a "vision" of where our organization, CAP-USAF, will be in five years, I will say that I hope we are still partnered with CAP and performing our mission. My long term vision is for CAP-USAF to move more toward support of "organize, train, and equip" tasks for CAP, while transforming mission execution responsibilities to the appropriate Joint Force Commanders. This process started with the signing of the CAP-USAF/CAP/1st Air Force Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) in late 2004. It is still a work in progress, but as domestic Homeland Security organizations mature, CAP will execute missions more and more like the rest of the U.S. military.
Q. How does the Air Force develop policy toward CAP?
A. The basic Air Force policy toward CAP is outlined in Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 10-27, Civil Air Patrol. The foundation of this directive is U.S. Law, specifically Title 10 of the United States Code (10 USC). In 10 USC, the Congress provides specific guidance to the Air Force on how it will use and support CAP. Many of you may not realize it, but this cornerstone law changed significantly in 2000. In that year, Congress passed the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act, which led to a significant change in the relationship between CAP and the Air Force.
This act clarified Congressional intent with regard to CAP’s Corporate and Auxiliary status. While the original law passed in 1948 termed CAP as the “permanent” Auxiliary of the Air Force, the new law made Auxiliary status temporary and conditional. The law now reads “Except as provided in section 9442(b)(2) of this title, the Civil Air Patrol is not an instrumentality of the Federal Government for any purpose.” [emphasis mine, ref: 10 USC 9441 (a)(2)]. Thus, the Congress clearly stated that CAP is a separate and distinct entity from the Air Force. So when is the CAP the Air Force Auxiliary? Turning to section 9442, we find that the Congress answers this question by stating “The Civil Air Patrol is a volunteer civilian auxiliary of the Air Force when the services of the Civil Air Patrol are used by any department or agency in any branch of the Federal Government.” In other words, the CAP is the Air Force Auxiliary only when it is actually doing something for the Federal Government. The rest of the time the CAP is a private, non-profit corporation. Furthermore, the Congress gives the Air Force guidance on what sort of things it can have CAP do, saying the Air Force “may use the services of the Civil Air Patrol to fulfill the noncombat programs and missions of the Department of the Air Force.”
So, the Congress provides the overall foundation for Air Force policy. This is distilled down into a policy directive, in our case, AFPD 10-27, that is signed by the Secretary of the Air Force. (Why is it signed by the Secretary? Remember “civilian control of the military” from civics class?) From the policy directive, we are provided more detailed instructions in the form of Air Force Instruction (AFI) 10-2701. This AFI provides the “cookbook” for us to execute the mission. Remember, we are at the “point of execution”--we work within the Congressional legal framework and the policy guidance.
Q. Does this policy framework, where Auxiliary Status is temporary and conditional, mean the Air Force does not value the contributions of CAP volunteers?
A. Absolutely not! The Air Force highly values the contributions and service of all CAP volunteers. But we must live within the laws that Congress provides for us. It’s up to us to make it work.
As an aside, one of the things I tell new personnel assigned to CAP-USAF is they need to know the difference between Auxiliary with a capital “A” and auxiliary with a small “a”. It is very important for all to understand where Auxiliary (with a capital “A”) starts and stops, because this has critical implications with respect to mission assignment, legal authority, federal tort protection, and so forth. On the other hand, Civil Air Patrol is always our auxiliary (with a small “a”). We greatly value our partnership with CAP, the long history and association between CAP and the Air Force, and tremendous efforts made by CAP volunteers supporting the Air Force.Q. Would new directives have to be enacted within CAP to facilitate a better role for the CAP in the USAF "Family?"
A. No, I don’t think so. AFPD 10-27 and AFI 10-2701 were completely re-written in the summer of 2005 to reflect the current operating environment. Many new mission areas, such as Homeland Security, are now formally defined. We are still working to take full advantage of the expanded mission set. If we run up against a critical stop, then we can make minor tweaks to the AFI to further enable CAP to perform more noncombat missions.Q. Could the CAP NHQ be made a subordinate HQ under the National Guard Bureau, and place the CAP wings each under the operational control of their state AG?
A. The short answer is “no”. This would require an extensive change in Title 10.
In reality, this very issue was studied by the Air Staff a little over a year ago. Following a meeting with then CAP National Commander Maj Gen Rick Bowling and then Secretary of the Air Force James Roche, the Secretary directed a study of alternative alignment options for CAP and CAP-USAF. This study was completed and briefed back to the SECAF in Jan 2005. The options examined were move to Air Combat Command (ACC), move to the Air National Guard (ANG), move elsewhere in Air Education and Training Command (AETC), or remain aligned with Air University (AU). None of the moving options offered any clear advantage, so CAP remained aligned in AU. This conclusion was strongly endorsed by then AU Commander Lt Gen John Regni and then AETC Commander Gen Donald Cook.
Having said all that, we realize that CAP is a valuable asset to every state. This was underscored during recent BRAC Commission testimony. When asked for mitigation actions to states after closure of ANG units, Asst Secretary of the Air Force Michael Dominguez (SAF/MR) stated, “…with regard to homeland security, there will remain flying assets in every state available to support a governor’s need for air transport, reconnaissance, command and control…there is a Civil Air Patrol Wing in every state…funded and supported by the Air Force.” and “…CAP’s presence and availability to do civil support to civil authorities – it’s a factor you need to think about as you consider our recommendations…” (ref: 2005 BRAC Commission hearings, 11 Aug 2005).We are still working to improve the responsiveness of CAP to request for support from state authorities. New tasking procedures with AFNORTH (1st Air Force at Tyndall AFB) will streamline the process and allow for quicker response to state requests.
Q. Why can’t the relationship between the USAF and CAP be like that between the Coast Guard and its Auxiliary?
A. The legal foundation is fundamentally different.Q. Will CAP ever be known just as the Air Force Auxiliary?
A. No, this would require Congress to change Title 10.Q. Why are we still the "Best kept secret in the Federal Government?"
A. I don’t have a good answer for this one. This is a problem we work at every day. CAP is certainly much better known within the Air Force thanks to your efforts following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. So, keep swinging for the fences.Q. What can be done to speed up the process and reduce the levels of bureaucracy for missions?
A. This is a serious issue that we are continuously working to improve. For example, we have recently streamlined the process we use for financial reimbursement for missions flown for non-Air Force agencies. This used to require Air Staff approval -- a tedious action that often took several months to complete. Now it is done here at Maxwell and only takes several days.Q. What can we do to stop being treated like the red headed step child?
A. As a former EF-111 pilot, I think I can say I have plenty of experience as a “red headed step child.” Nobody wanted us around until somebody was shooting missiles, and then we were everybody’s friend. A lot like CAP? You tell me. So what do you do? You do the mission the best way you know how, take pride in the fact you are serving your country, and you make a difference. In the end you’ll know you did the right thing.Q. How come CAP is never mentioned when AF Leaders talk of the 'total force' concept? Could CAP be considered the “fourth component” of the Total Force?
A. This too is a serious question that we are just now reexamining with our Air Staff colleagues. This concept was discussed in the spring of 2005, but received somewhat lukewarm support at that time.Q. What can be done to get our qualified mission pilots/observers/scanners meaningful USAF force multiplier missions that we can prove ourselves capable to our USAF leadership?
A. I think this is already happening! For example, I was at a briefing at 1st Air Force Headquarters at Tyndall AFB in January. The Director of Staff there described CAP as “Air Force Lite” to an audience of senior Air Force and Air National Guard general officers. He went on to say, “in many scenarios, they can do just about everything the big Air Force can do.”
Next up, Leadership Questions...
I very much would like to thank COL Hodgkins for his comments. His answers, as an authority, will greatly help guide us.
I am an relative nobody...a simple CAP officer in an outpost in South Texas. That having been said, I do know that there are many fellow Threadsters here that represent the leadership of the CAP all around the nation.
That the COL would address our questions is a testament to the Threadsters here and to the Administrator of this Blog. It is also a kudos for Col Hodgkins to address us and remove and dispell certain issues about the relationship between CAP and the USAF.
Additionally, when the COL writes...
"However, occasionally I see posts that make me wince. So to those few, please “think, calm down, re-read what you wrote, then post.” Your posts reflect CAP to the outside world, so don’t write anything that will embarrass you later!"
I am called a renewed effort to use this blog for only for the benefit of CAP. And, I must admit, I stand as a man embarrassed. May I never have cause to feel that way again.
I was very much impressed, informed, educated and renewed in my resolve to further CAP from the Colonel's replies and await the rest.
Major J.E. Carrales
Posted by: Major Carrales | April 03, 2006 at 00:51
I too would like to thank the good Colonel for his time and candor. I would also like to point out his comments on us as the "big A vs. little a" auxiliary. Those who want to see the closer relationship can do something about it, lobby your representatives in Congress. Some will say "Civil who?", and you may get the chance to bring our cause to the attention of the members. That will also help with "The best kept secret..." problem. If you want things to change, do something about it. Just griping and sniping doesn't help anyone.
Posted by: Al Sayre | April 03, 2006 at 07:52
Great comments Colonel, we do appreciate the information. The issue regarding lobbying congress is something that we all should think about and discuss before we pursue it. We need to agree on what we want to say to our representatives before we start lobbying them. My congressman has been very resposive to me on a number of non-CAP issues which I have spoken to him about in the past. I have no problem calling and writing him, but what exactly do we want them to do?
Posted by: Hammerhead | April 03, 2006 at 08:08
I also warmly welcome Col. Hodgkins' participation in this forum - the clarifications/explanations that he has made so far are well received, and I look forward to reading more.
Regarding lobbying of representatives, if you are motivated in that regard, take some time and try to understand what initiatives are already in play at the Wing level. Many Wings have (or are planning) Congressional Squadrons at the State level, and others may already have high-level contacts at the Federal level already in place. Therefore I would suggest working within the chain and moving a coherent strategy forward that way. Uncoordinated, multiple approaches from many different members will not achieve anything other than confusion and a lot of well-meaning but wasted effort.
Posted by: Lamh Dearg | April 03, 2006 at 09:30
I agree that we need to be united in our goals en re the Congress. I think the Colonels guidance via his answers to our questions may serve to focus our efforts.
I, for one, came away with an enhanced understanding of the USAF/CAP relationship.
Major J.E. Carrales
Posted by: Major Carrales | April 03, 2006 at 10:16
Thanks for the candid answers. As I suspected, there is no easy solution.
IF CAP cannot be placed under the OPCON of state AG's, then we absolutely must streamline the 'way too complex and time consuming process of calling out CAP assets in a state emergency.
And... I get to scratch one item off my "To Do" list for when I'm the National Commander!
Posted by: JohnKachenmeister | April 03, 2006 at 13:22
Kudos to the Col for taking the bull by the tail and facing the situation.
I appreciate his response to the many questions and his candid answers. I agree the sniping needs to stop. Legitimate concerns and questions are fine but with associated respectful answers and comments. Let's put the civil back in Civil Air Patrol.
Posted by: Smokey | April 03, 2006 at 16:27
I would strongly encourage members to research & read the documents referenced by Col Hodgkins. Together with the Constitution and Bylaws of CAP, they would give members a very clear picture of the "how & why" (as well as some of the "don'ts and why-nots") of what we do as a organization. This info should be basic to any CAP member.
Anyone who has completed Squadron Officer School (SOS) will remember the 'Profession of Arms' portion of the course. It outlined the legislation that brought the USAF into being, its mission as well as the sources of authority of an Air Force Officer. In short, it tells newly-commissioned Air Force Officers "this is why you are here, and this is the source of your authority." It would be great if likewise, we expanded certain portions of CAP SLS and/or CLC curriculum to include USAF and CAP docs/pubs that would give our members a very clear picture of who we really are, and how & why we are here. I think it would enlighten members, old and new. This is not meant to be a shot at anyone individually, but it seems that the basics of who we are is is a blind-spot in our Professional Development program. In reading some of the blogs and talking to members in the field (some of whom have been in CAP for years,) there are a lot of well-meaning folks who are eager for CAP to get to the next level, but just don't have a clear picture of exactly who, or where we are right now.
The National Board meeting minutes are available on the CAP website. Take the time to read them: not just the parts on how nifty our new uniforms and ID cards are going to look, but the items that on the surface, may seem a bit mundane. If you read on, the mechanics of running CAP as a whole, as well as the options for our future of CAP is spelled out there.
Posted by: O-Rex | April 03, 2006 at 21:22
Col Hodgkins
Thanks for the candid and informative comments. Thanks also for the attempt to educate those of us that love to serve through CAP, but suffer from our own inability to control our own comments.
If we put half as much effort into executing our assignments as we did trying to figure out if black jackets were as cool as brown jackets or how we can require 60000 people to buy all new unifirms, we might be a more reliable option for the first call to action.
I was encouraged that there is a CAP-USAF recognition that our procedures are to burdemsome and unnecessarily delay our response to missions.
Posted by: badger bob | April 03, 2006 at 22:04
As both a CAP and AF member, I would like to sincerely thank Col Hodgkins for taking the time to provide candid and direct responses to questions that have been dwelling on many CAP members for quite some time. I am glad to have a senior AF leader that will provide direct responses to the volunteer force without political smoke-screens. I see it as being nothing but beneficial to us as members to know how our parent organization views our service and where plans for the future lie.
Posted by: Nick | April 05, 2006 at 23:30
Hello Nick,
I'm a fellow Texas Wing CAP officer. South Texas...CC-CAP. I know of you and publish your Cadet Activity announcements in my "Weekly South Texas CAP Almanac."
I also would like to see all this animosity that there seems to exist...or that is perceived to exist… between the USAF and CAP addressed, mitigated and eliminated.
It, such ill emotion, serves only as a retarding element to progress as well as undo interference between CAP and the USAF.
Major J.E. Carrales
Posted by: Major Carrales | April 05, 2006 at 23:54